Ate – Popcorn was on form!
The last time I watched an episode of Get Smart I must have been around the age of 14. Back then there were only 3 channels and you’d have to wait forever until a decent show actually came on. It would usually be Get Smart first, followed by Maero Attack, a series about a high school women’s volleyball team in Japan that are able to do amazing moves such as the summersault smash and the dreaded dizzying serve. Now that was entertainment at its best. So would this movie be a blast from the past or a dump in the present?

The story revolves around Max (Steve Carell), who works at CONTROL, a secret organisation which opposes the work of KAOS, working as an analytical data provider. He does however have dreams of being a field agent, running around catching baddies and basically leading the secret agent life. Each year his hopes being promoted to a field agent are dashed as his boss would rather prefer him to stay exactly where he is. This is however, until CONTROL’s main base is breached and all its field agents identities are revealed. CONTROL then has no choice but to promote Max to a field agent or better known as Agent 86 in an attempt of uncovering KAOS main plan. Max must then go after the baddies of KAOS along with Agent 99 (Anne Hattaway) and stop their master plan of [insert evil plan here] before it is too late.
Comedy action would never be complete without some trademark cleavage
The movie is a rollercoaster of laughs from start to finish. I’ve always been a big fan of the Get Smart series so I was expecting a bit. Steve Carell is perfectly casted for the role of Agent 86 with his off-beat type of humour (The Office, USA). Although some of the scenes were fairly predictable, you should probably be watching it because of Steve Carell. Like most comedic actors, they tend to bring in their own style to the whole movie. The lead man in an action comedy is so important as choosing the wrong comedian for your movie would turn rapturous applause, to undesirable pants (see Drillbit Taylor, RV, or any Chris Tucker film). There is enough slapstick humour lurking in this film to keep even the most easily amused moviegoer satisfied. The action is pretty decent but almost all your attention will be towards Anne Hattaway who is looking mighty fine in this film. She’s probably best known for her work in The Princess Diaries, and she’s come a long way in terms of physical beauty in this film. She shows a bit more than usual in this film and should shock most of her Disney channel followers.
Phonebooth to CONTROL. Nice.
For a barrel of laughs, this movie is for you. The movie does just enough to stay along the lines of tolerable comedy and doesn’t go overboard which then turns into annoying comedy. Even if you aren’t a Steve Carell fan there are still other likeable characters for you to laugh and scream at till your shoes fall off.
Ratings – 3.6/5
Is Nothing Like - Rush Hour 3 . Thank God.
seems like a pretty decent comedy
im watching this
just because
1) anne hathaway is hot AND single. :)
2) there's no Will Ferrell in this show
nice review man
dark knight on imax soon!
Watched this last night King Shen..
Thought it was pretty good, Steve Carrell was on form, not too much OTT comedic action from him, which was definitely good...
Another good point was the supporting cast, I'm digging Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, more and more, James Caan, and btw was that Bill Murray in a tree? Hahaha... I didnt stay til the end credits so if someone could confirm that..
King Shen, if you thought that Anne Hathaway has moved on from Princess Diaries, i have two movies for you bro... Havoc and Brokeback Mountain... Look em up dude... hahaha.... She was the real reason Brokeback was such a huge hit! Hahahaha....
Aprilsky, i finally watched the Dark Knight trailer... wicked man, can't wait, btw Maggie Gyllenhaal is not my idea of conventional eye candy... but since she's a bit freaky deaky i'll let it slide, but word to Chris Nolan, we need some serious eye candy man....
3.6 ajer? u suck la. i would give it 4/5!!! its damn funny and good la weiii ishhhhh plus anne looks hot like crazie in it!
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