Location – Pavilion
Food – Popcorn Sweet n Lite
The last time anybody heard of a 3D! film, people were running for their lives in the classic JAWS 3D! Now, a decade on, the same formula is repeated in JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH 3D! I have to admit that I ended up watching the film in a typical oldskool 2D technology, but would it have been better watching it in 3D!?

Boys night out was doomed after the inclusion of a third member
Movie revolves around Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser) who is a scientist in the science department of a university. Trevor is haunted by the lost of his brother Max, in a expedition to study seismic volcanic movement of plates 10 years ago. He then finds himself babysitter to his nephew of whom he hasn’t met for quite sometime. Coinciding with the arrival of his nephew, new and active movement of plates in Iceland suddenly trigger and forces Trevor to go there for a closer look. He then discovers that his brother Max was on the same trail which ultimately led to his disappearance. Thus begins the adventure of the JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH 3D!

Women were always treated as equals
As you can probably guess I had ultimately fallen asleep writing the synopsis of the movie up there. Having said that the movie plot is quite decent. It makes numerous references to Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth which inevitably became a movie. So in a way it is a movie within a movie, or as you could also say, a book within a book. The movie was obviously made to fully maximise its 3D! capability and watching it in 2D might not bring the same desired effect. In a way you can’t really think of it as a movie, but more like a ride with a story behind it. As long as you expect to be entertained that way, then you might actually end up having a good time.
So look out for 3D! camera angles, fast paced 3D! scenes and eye popping 3D! effects to satisfy your 3D! lust you naughty little monkey.
Ratings – 2/5
hmm.... the girl init super HOT!!!
Rate the Girl: 4.5/5!!!!
uhhh carik la gambar... movie trademark with CLEAAVVVAAGGEEE!!!!
hahaha she's actually kinda cute... reminds of the girl from the cardigans..
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