I think most people would disagree with me putting this on my list but in the end, it was a letdown. I have to admit that I’m not such a follower of The Daredevil comics but the movie hardly moved a pulse in my body. It was roughly around this period that the comic book phenomena was really booming and you could tell that Movie Studios were trying to cash in as much as they could. In the end, moviegoers were treated to senseless action of a blind superhero (who can see more than others because of his radioactive eyesight) defeating oddly named villains such as Eightball and Kingpin. Again casting was a let down with Ben Affleck in the main role. Somehow I just don’t feel like the Daredevil brand was strong enough to keep most movie fans excited until the end of the movie.
4. X-Men 3

How oh how did they manage to mess up this movie? If you decide to change the original director with a subsequent less popular and less talented director, the outcome would be the very unmemorable X-Men 3. After the success of X-Men 2, there was a lot of hype surrounding the third and final instalment. The trilogy then started plummeting from a team of mutant warriors to a one-man show. The Wolverine character was over-used and was depicted as if he was the saviour of all mutantkind when in truth his character was nothing more than an anti-hero. Add on to the fact that Superman was actually a fairly decent movie, the X-Men trilogy would have never known what a good ending it might have had.
3. Spiderman 3

All good things come in 3? Another example of no matter how good the first two movies were, nobody will end up buying the boxset because of the third movie. In this one, Peter Parker not only has to deal with 2 new villains in The Sandman and Venom, but even the recurring problem of the Green Goblin. Sounds like one big supervillain party right? The movie was too jam packed of this sudden obsession to fit all of Spiderman’s enemies into one single movie. Venom was wrongly casted as every moment with Topher Grace felt like a scene where they share a smoke in the basement in That 70’s Show. Spiderman 3 gave and gave and gave and didn’t stop giving. Whether or not there will be another Spiderman movie remains to be seen considering they’ve used up Spiderman’s arch Nemesis in this one.
2. Ghost Rider

Just thinking about this movie is like reliving the time your parents used to hit you for something you didn’t do. This movie narrowly misses out on the top spot and I cringe just thinking about it again. From start to finish there were endless corny moments and offered no signs that this was a movie aged 18 and above. The Ghost Rider brand was extremely tainted after this movie adaptation as it not only showed Nicholas Cage’s awkwardness at playing the Devil’s servant, but also some bizarre country music as the Ghost Rider rides off into the night.
1. Hulk

It has to be this one. I’ve yet to come across a normal sound thinking human being that actually enjoyed and cherished this movie. Ang Lee not only destroyed the Hulk, he also turned him into a gay cowboy. The movie offered no memorable moments and sent movie viewers on a wild ride to absolutely nowhere. When Eric Bana eventually changes into the Hulk, he was fighting with a pack of wild mutated dogs. It was as if this was all that we had paid for and we needed to top up an extra RM10 just to see a better baddie. If you weren’t trying to kill yourself slowly with the straw from your coke drink, you were probably trying to swallow as much popcorn as you can which you will then choke to death. The only shame from this is that they would discover your body in the cinema watching the Hulk.
wahhh sayang! satu kali gus jugak ur review nih... but yeh that's HOT!
i love the hulk!!!
ohh u tak review the "B" girl... ahahahaha King Henrehhhhh ohhh King Henreeeehhhhh!!!!!
hahaha kinggg henryyyyyy
no la this isnt the incredible hulk.. its the first hulk.. which was really bad..
wei dude... doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart that there have been so many excellent comic book movies this year?... I mean come on,The Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Hulk all in the same year! These movies are gonna top the list for best comic book movie adaptations forever!!! Hahaha... oh and hellboy 2 wasn't bad either! hahaha
Weiii siapa "B" girl? haha
hahaha its The Other Boleyn Girl.. A movie about King Henry and his wives.. It also tells the story of how the Church Of England got going.. its a pretty freaky story coz King Henry is one horny stallion...
i think this is the year for superhero movies man.. one after the other.. last year was soo dry of anything worth watching.. all of em have been pretty good in their own way.. gonna be sad when the blockbuster summer ends :(
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