Saturday, May 9, 2009

X-Men Origins : Wolverine

Venue - GSC Midvalley

Walking about nowadays, I’ve noticed the lack of anything good in the cinema. I suppose its spring or pre summer so therefore the big movies are all being postponed until the summer blockbusters. Think at one point you had an array of chick flicks such as Confession of a Shopaholic and He’s just not that into you. So what exactly do we have for the men then? You’re not going to believe this.

My Endless Love

Story starts by trying to explain Wolverine’s origin as a small child and his relationship with Victor Creed or as we will come to know him as Sabertooth. It seems as though they are related or something and seemed to have outlast all kinds of wars (this probably shows that they are immortal or something). If you follow comic books you would know that Wolverine isn’t immortal but he has a self healing mechanism as well as some boney claws which was quite amusingly depicted during the film. What exactly is Sabertooth’s mutant powers besides unkept fingernails is anybody’s guess. Besides I’m far too lazy and couldn’t really care if his secret to eternal youth is a healthy diet, lots of sleep and regular exercise. Okay, back to the story. As the years go by Sabertooth starts to be a bit of a lose cannon. During the Vietnam War, he and Wolverine are then sentenced to death for breaking the code of war (harming innocent civilians). But as you probably can guess, they don’t die. Along comes general Ryker who sees an immense opportunity to draft these two highly vicious mutants into his special squad. They go along but Wolverine then realises that this “new” squad isn’t really very nice and they too are into killing civilians. He then packs up and leaves the team and Victor behind forever. But little does he realise that his past will catching up with him real soon.

Spa treatment tends to bring out the tiger in you

In terms of action sequence I would be fair and have to say that it brings out the mutant action element for all to see and enjoy. But besides that this was a terrible terrible terrible movie. Most of us already knew that this wasn’t going to be a very good movie what more a tribute to the Wolverine character from the X-Men 1 and 2 (not 3 cause that was crap). This just had such a cheap B-grade element to it and effects were so dire you could even pick out poorly edited scenes in the movie (watch out for the toilet scene where he’s checking out his new claws). On top of that, the story really couldn’t expand to anywhere else. Yes he has claws, yes he lost his memory, yes he smokes cigars. As much as I do like Wolverine, I’d have to say his background in this movie really isn’t that interesting. It just looked like another way to milk the whole Hugh Jackman phenomena while it still lasts. For fans of Ryan Reynolds (who plays Deadpool in this film) may have been slightly disappointed for of his lack of screen time over the course of the movie. Fret not girls (I’m assuming that’s why you came to watch this movie) for a spinoff of Deadpool is already in progress so you should be seeing more of him when the movie comes out.

So what exactly have we got to look forward to now? Well at least I’d have to say the worst is over (kind of like the recession I suppose). So now only good things should be coming out for the month of May, June and July. Brilliant.

Ratings – 1.5 / 5

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