When his brother is killed in battle, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. Upon arriving at Pandora, Jake is then introduced to his body suit or better known as Avatar which the company uses to study and learns about the local alien inhabitants known as the Na’vi. Jake also humbly carries out a covert operation to spy on the Na’vi but soon discovers all is not what it seems with the company that brought him to Pandora.
Just for starters let me just tell you how visually amazing Avatar looks like on the big screen. Not only does is this movie revolutionary in terms of visual effects, but it also allows you to embrace the surroundings of Pandora. The idea is simple, to make the viewers feel as if they are actually there. After 10 minutes of watching and haven’t stopped for a blink or some liquid refreshment I knew that I was in for a treat. You can see the characters jumping through trees, climbing rocks, flying through the sky, riding a horse; anything to show off the visual effects in this movie. The 3-D effects can only be touted as genius or in simple terms the “why didn’t I think of that before” by James Cameron. It isn’t the sort of 3D effect that makes you hurl some leftover Burger King to the floor (please see Christmas Carol 3D) but more like a 3D painting where you need to stare real hard and let your friend know – dude it’s a hammer, can’t you see it?
As mentioned before the plot is relatively easy and it deals with relatively real matters, invaders taking over other people’s land. In a way it might be the core reason to why and how people end up fighting. For the humans they don’t see why the Na’vi can’t relocate themselves another place to live, and for the Na’vi they don’t understand why the humans (sky people) can’t respect their wishes and just leave them alone. Probably just movie talk but there’s probably a much deeper meaning to it than just humans versus some blue aliens.
Some may complain about the actual length of the film but I caught this film on a Friday night then continued to watch for the 2nd time on a Saturday afternoon. That’s almost 6 hours of some non stop hardcore 3-D Mania and a one way ticket to exploding bladder land. But let me tell you it was well worth my money and my time and am currently considering watching it for the 3rd time. So if you haven’t seen it yet, please do watch it in 3D for full effects while it’s still out now.
Ratings – 4.5/5 (My pick for 2009)
Too cool for school ... Avatared!
not as cool as YA BOY DINNEEZY!
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