Churned out by the same studio who brought us Shrek (WIN), Madagascar (too camp) and Kungfu Panda (animated Jack Black was surprisingly bearable, don't mind the pun), this juggernaut of a movie hit the sweet spots in all the right places and brought fresh life to an overused cinematic character: DRAGONS
Based on a children's book by Cressida Cowell, where others have failed, what HTTYD has done so well was quite simple: It told a great story with rich characters with a well brewed storyline and a lot of heart.
The acquaintance was a juxtapositional one. Hiccup, given his physical limitations but ingenuity, managed to capture the most fearsome and "deadly" of all dragons, the Night Fury, hence setting in motion perhaps the most endearing of relationships where we see this awesome creature play pet, learn new tricks and of course FLY.
The acquaintance was a juxtapositional one. Hiccup, given his physical limitations but ingenuity, managed to capture the most fearsome and "deadly" of all dragons, the Night Fury, hence setting in motion perhaps the most endearing of relationships where we see this awesome creature play pet, learn new tricks and of course FLY.
The animated movie is a treat to watch in 3D and the training sequences could rival big budget (maybe USD350 million?) films of the same genre. Be prepared for the incredible audio and visual details while you feel your heart soar through the clouds and away from the almost harsh and limiting landscape of Hiccup's world. It is a fitting metaphor for a boy who never really could fit in the world of burly Vikings (with Scottish accents though) but used his intellect as a tipping point to provide the Vikings with a fresh new perspectives of their much dreaded enemies. To quote GI Joe, "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.."
I also liked the fact that I was not distracted by the "stars behind the voice". The characters were rich and engaging enough to mask the fact that there was Gerard Butler behind Stoick, Jay Baruchel behind Hiccup and America Ferrera behind Astrid. Bet you didn't even notice Jonah Hill... (wut wut who?)

Teenage angst at its very best
Kudos to Chris Sanders, whose previous work was Lilo & Stitch, for bringing to life Toothless, who has undoubtedly, won the hearts of audiences. Contrast Toothless vs. Eddie Murphy's Mushu in Mulan. Mushu must now mean "DRAGON FAIL" in Chinese.
All in all, a 4.3/5 for me and an epic WIN for Dreamworks for giving us an animated movie which doesn't try to be anything else but a great story. And as far as 3D animation movies go, this definitely set the bar high for 2010. I jump in excitement at next year's Oscar's Animated Feature nominees who would undoubtedly have a tough act to follow.
-This is a JiGerJag approved movie-
Special MobieDick thanks to JiGerJag for her contribution.
First movie of the year that i've gotten wrong! HTTYD was immense on the big screen especially the flying scenes. The animation was superb and really makes up for Dreamworks last howler - Alien vs Monsters.
Totes MTE! Wouldn't have watched if it weren't for April's goading.. and boy, am I glad I did! (slaps thighs for effect) Epic 3D animation coupled with the feel good feel good. WIN!
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