Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Contraband is a fast paced action thriller movie starring Marky Mark and Kate Beckinsale. It tells the tale of one time scoundrel and small time Hustler Chris Farraday (Marky Mark) who is forced into the trade again to save his lil-brother in law from the hands of gangsters. Needless to say, nothing is ever a clear cut deal, when you’re a smuggler and Marky Mark.

Everyday I'm smuggling..

Movie starts out pretty basic and the scenes are quite predictable. Half way through you’re already second guessing if somebody is gonna get caught or fall off some boat. But the pace does pick up pretty quickly once the smuggling is underway and add some twist (twist and shout) here and there, it does make up a fairly entertaining film.

Chris knew he should have brought a bigger wallet

Probably isn’t a classic or something you’re gonna replay in your head again and again, Contraband is entertaining enough given that there really isn’t anything to watch nowadays. Sigh April and summer just couldn’t come any sooner.

I actually thought the movie was based on this


Worth the watch but is never gonna stand out in the crowd. Unless you like Marky Mark’s pecs. 3/5

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