Thursday, June 26, 2008

In Bruges

Venue: At Home
Food: Kaya Toast

Hey guys, I've got a great movie to recommend this week. It's called In Bruges (pronounced as "broojhs"). If some of you guys need a change from the brainless action and slapstick comedy in the cinemas right now, this just might be for you. It stars Colin Farrell (S.W.A.T, Miami Vice) Brendan Gleeson (The Village, Kingdom of Heaven) and also Ralph Fiennes (English Patient, Constant Gardener). I guess it might not be that star studded, but trust me - the acting, plot and story is definitely worth the watch.

Ken and Ray - in fookin' Bruges

'In Bruges' tells the story of two Irish contract killers (hitmen) who did a 'messy' job back home in London and has to 'lay-low' til' the dust settles - in the serene yet beautiful city of Bruges (it's in Belgium, btw). Basically it's a story about the relationship of the 2 hitmens. Both of them has a peculiar yet interesting personalities. Ray (Collin Farrell) is a young, brash, and edgy Irishmen who has a knack of swearing f-words at any instance, all the time. The other, the cool personified Ken (Brendan Gleeson) is sort of the father figure; he looks after Ray while he goes sightseeing in the quaint and historical city of Bruges. They both wait for further instructions from their wicked and bad-ass boss, Harry (Ralph Fiennes).

It's hard to write anything about the movie's plot coz it would actually really spoil the show, so I will refrain from revealing any major plot points in the movie. However, watching through the movie is a blast. This is the most original and refreshing piece of cinema that I've seen in years. The dialogue between the characters are sharp, witty, edgy and most important of all funny.
This movie is hilarious - it's actually very entertaining just to listen to them talk. The most notable scenes in the movie involves a midget (yes, a midget), an annoying Canadian, and also a pretty Belgian and her ex-bf. It's seriously entertaining. Also, there's A LOT of swearing going on in the movie - expect a barrage of "fuck!" "cunt!" and other profanities you could think of, it's all here - and it's used to great effect too.

"Do you have any Harry Potter wands, by any chance?"

However, this movie is not just about the dark humour and sharp dialogues, the involving storyline keeps you interested as well. Towards the later half of the movie, the big-boss will eventually come to Bruges to settle a 'problem'. From there the movie changes its pace from being humorous to being serious - leaning abit on the 'gangta' side of the scale. It gets a bit violent too - so be warned, there will be blood. :D

I was quite surprised as how good this movie was to be honest. I watched this at 3 a.m in the morning and had my final paper in a few hours time, so I told myself "shit I shouldnt be watching this, I should be sleeping!" But this movie kept me going and I just had to watch it til' the end, which was really quite satisfying. The plot is not cliched, there are some parts where you're SURE one thing is gonna happen, but in the end it didn't. If you're one for non-predictability - you'll definitely like this show.

"Have you seen my home video? It's better than Belgian waffles"

Seriously, just try and watch this movie if possible. It's definitely not gonna be in cinemas in KL and I doubt if it's gonna be released here in Melbourne anytime soon, so try and get it on DVD or just do the good-old-downloading thingy. It's well worth it. You know why? Coz it's in "Fookin' Bruges!"

Stars: I'm givin this a fookin' 4/5 ! One of my favourite shows this year.

Reminds me a bit of : Samuel L. Jackson's and John Travolta's character in 'Pulp Fiction'

Amount of times they say the f-word in the movie: I lost count. Sorry.


King Shen said...

"Have you seen my home video? It's better than Belgian waffles"

HAHAHHA.. dude movie sounds freaking cool man.. and the dialogue bit is interesting.. mindless gangster banter eh? kinda like reservoir dogs?

u should be back just in time for hellboy 2 dude...

Z K Z said...

hahahaha..... if only the dialogue was as good as "Have you seen my home video? It's better than Belgian waffles"!... hahaha

Hellboy 2? or Super Sapiens 2 as its known in Brunei! Hahahahaha

aprilsky said...

haha super sapiens 2
damn lame man
i cant believe "hell" is deemed a bad word.
anyways cepat la tengok in bruges
best man

bem69 said...

Nais review, should be good if its not as bad as Impak Maksima

A Baharein said...

aku suka la bem 69 punya comments. bem bem maria.

have in bruges in my hdd but malas nak zip.. by the power of the M.I.C, i will watch it tonight..or probably tomorrow.

A Baharein said...

as usual, my curiousity intrigues me, and with recommendations coming from aprilsky, i decided to watch it this morning. although it reminds me a lot of lock stock n 2 smokin barrels n other guy ritchie films, this particular film is not what u expect it to be. Some bits n pieces of the movie did gave me that dejavu feeling but i agree, its hillarious n i was actually laughing my ass of 6 in the morning after indo mee bestari. i think the scriptwriter was an irish gangster, with its 'danielkrane' type swearing n 'i like to break fingers' brutality. in bruges is not for the fans of kl evolusi drift, or hellboy for that matter...but all i can say is, who wouldnt laugh with a midget dressed as a .. *toot* Watch it too find out.. "..ill be on the black side!" HAHAHHA

Stella Matilda said...

"Do you have any Harry Potter wands, by any chance?"

hahaha i thought that line was funny... but its not in the movie init?

hahaahhaha hahahahahahahahahahhaha