Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Trailer: Max Payne

Here’s the trailer of Max Payne which should be out in KL on the 16th of October. I’m a big fan of the game and Mark Wahlberg (Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch) will be playing Max in this shoot-em-up from hell. Don’t think this movie is going to be classic but looks quite sweet from the trailer. So what do you guys think?


aprilsky said...

u should check out the 2nd trailer as well
only thing is..
what's up with the flying demons?
2 movies to look forward to this year..
1) max payne

King Shen said...

yeah man.. the demons kinda looks like a scene from Constantine.. hopefully it stays true to some bits of the game.. im sure it will.. quantum of solace should be excellent man.. i saw the trailer for dat and bond looks like and even more badass than before..

Z K Z said...

haha my thoughts exactly, i havent actually played the game but i've heard from people who have, and they're all like, "what's up with the demons?" but it does look awesome!

Markyyyy Markkkkk and the Funk Bunchhhh....