Introducing a Joseph Gordon-Levitt Production called Premium Rush. It tells the tale of bike messenger Wilee who gets caught up in a game of cat and mouse involving a secret and mysterious envelope which he needs to deliver before all hell breaks lose and it might even cost him his life. Oh dearie me!
Go straight to jail and do not pass go
The movie started out really well with great scene shots (especially when Wilee is riding) and an indie cinematic feel towards it. Have been a JGL fan for quite a bit (okay I'm a bit bias) so was expecting the movie to explode into life. After the introduction a few unnecessory characters and sub-plots, I had a feeling that the movie was going to go on a downward spiral. The storyline went from par-level to sub par level to THIS IS DUMB. I don't actually want to be over-critical but I kind of expected more from this movie. A decent plot would have been nice but once you find out what the whole envelope thing is really about, you kinda wish you hadn't.
We ride together and we crouch together..
Maybe the whole movie is to cash in on the the whole bicycle scene which seems to be catching on (Fixies, Mountain Dew). If you're a bike enthusiast or someone who is looking to get into it, then you're just going to instantly get into this movie. The scenes are great when he's riding through traffic (well racing) and will surely give you your adrenalin pumping moment in the cinema. You can kinda figured out what they were trying to achieve with this movie but if all you have are just images and you fail to even give a decent plot, then you will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike...
Okay so let's sum the movie up in a few words. Fast, catchy but empty. Hmm sounds like K-Pop. I'm not going to diss it too much because I'm sure quite a number of movie-goers will like it and buy into the whole cool factor. A decent watch but be warned!
Ratings - 2.5/5 (Premium Ride!)
Fast, catchy but empty. True that.
Does make you feel like buying a bike though..
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