Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ellison Oswalt (Ethan Hawke) is a true-crime author researching on his latest book about the murder of a family in a small town. He then comes across some old homemade film footage depicting the actual crime that had taken place. Little by little he starts to discover new found clues on to what had actually happen all those years ago. 

His Slipknot wallpaper always kept him company..

Well even browsing and looking for some decent pictures to post on M!D! have given me the hibbie-jeebies. This movie was an absolute scream to watch. What was mostly scary was the depiction of how the crimes were being carried out. Supernatural or not, I think the mystery surrounding the events that had taken place will have you squirming during each scene and wishing the lights will just turn itself on. I loved the way it was shot, as it teases you through every darkness in the house and lets your imagination run wild. After all, what is more scary than not knowing what to expect?

Oh dear that's not very nice

It's great to see Ethan Hawke back on the big screen after quite a while. Whatever happened to him anyways? Felt like he was doing a few tough roles (action) then suddenly he vanished. He does well in this one, playing the role of a budding author trying to write that big hit book to achieve his dream in life. The premise is relate-able and adds weight to the movie. There also isn't too much scare tactic (door slamming, cats jumping up, loud farts) in Sinister which just goes to show that you'll be actually scared by the story itself. All the elements of murder and mystery are all wrapped up into one. We thoroughly enjoyed this one and if you haven't seen it yet, do give it a go!

Ratings - 3.8/5 (M!D! Scary Choice)

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